Breath Alchemy: Group Healing & Breathwork

Sunday, November 5 - 12 PM EST - $11

*Session will be recorded and emailed to all registrants.

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Breathwork is a subtle, yet powerful way to enhance your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.  It is an active meditation using rhythmic breath patterns that get you out of your mind and into your body.  Breathwork is about tapping into the wisdom of your body and life force energy to inspire deep emotional healing and spiritual growth.

This safe and gentle, 30-minute practice can help you break through old patterns, beliefs, or anything that’s keeping you stuck. Life is always changing, always moving, and so is our breath! But the body can get stuck with all the stressors, past traumas, and burdens of life. Just one session will really help you CLEAR IT OUT gently.


When you become aware of your breath and consciously work with it, you activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which allows you to “rest and digest.” It’s in this space that you can open up, process anything that needs released, and access your inner wisdom. Through breathwork, you can deeply connect with your body and your true-inner-being, and find permission to release fear, anxiety, heaviness, emotional blocks, and anything that is no longer needed. This creates expansive space for greater clarity, vitality, and creativity.

A combination of breath, reiki, and sound gives you the opportunity to release tension and trauma in the body, leaving you feeling grounded, connected, empowered, and at peace. In this space you are able to connect deeply to emotions and traumas that have been suppressed consciously or unconsciously and through feeling and breathing you're able to heal and let go of what no longer serves you.

This active meditation technique allows you to develop a relationship with your breath and connect you with your home frequency and your body to clear stagnant energy while helping facilitate a release of strong emotions and liberate mental patterns and limited beliefs.

It's a healing modality that enables you to take better care of yourself and access your intuition and creativity in profound ways while encouraging your heart to open to honest self love, self healing and self acceptance. 

The Impact of Breathwork:

relax & calm nervous system

feelings of expansion and lightness

more compassion for self

emotional release

more peace

letting go of the past

deeper connection with self

dissolve tension & stressors from the body

clearer, more focused mind

better sleep

release of old patterns

relief from chronic symptoms

detoxify your physical & energetic bodies

supports lymphatic drainage

release of deeply stored emotions from childhood, traumas, & grief

No matter what you might be going through, Breathwork might be just what you’ve been asking for.


No prior experience of breathwork needed.

DISCLAIMER: As breathwork can be physically and emotionally activating, it is contraindicated for those who have severe hypertension or cardiovascular disease, asthma, epilepsy, had recent major surgeries or pregnant.   


Upon booking you will immediately receive a Zoom link and additional information for the session day via email.